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Third Public Information Meeting

The NMDOT held the third public information meeting for the US 60 Alignment Study, in person, on November 16, 2023. Like the first public information meeting, this meeting was held at the Dr. Saul Community Center. 40 people signed in at the registration table. The project team was comprised of 7 members from the NMDOT and consultant staff. The Town Clerk was in attendance is counted with those who signed in at the registration.

The purpose of the meeting was to:

  1. Present and discuss proposed project alternatives

  2. Present the project purpose and need

  3. Solicit comments from stakeholders and the public relating on the proposed project alternatives

The meeting format included a presentation by project team representatives, a question-and-answer period, and an open house session where individuals could review display materials and talk to project team representatives.  The presentation began at 6:00 pm and covered the following topics:

  1. A brief introduction and existing conditions

  2. Project purpose and need

  3. A brief description of the project study process

A question-and-answer period followed the presentation, which consumed the remainder of the meeting time.

Key issues identified are summarized below.

  1. Rejection of back-in-angled parking as a condition of bike lanes

  2. Rejection of bike lanes through the business district

  3. Drainage concerns

  4. Business accessibility

  5. Moderate to high support for curb extensions/bulb-outs and crosswalks

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