8 - Miscellaneous
Ornamental Pedestrian and Street Lighting (Retained)
The central business district lighting should be designed in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Roadway Lighting Design Guide (latest edition). The option to use ornamental lighting standards and fixtures should be coordinated with the Town for the proper selection based on the Town’s preferences and characteristics.
Color-Patterned Crosswalks (Retained)
Public sentiment has requested the use of color-patterned concrete for crosswalks. This is also shown in the Monte Alto Plaza concept plan. Color-patterned concrete can be used for crosswalks as long as they comply with guidance from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Following is a question and answer regarding the use of color-patterned concrete.

Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB) (Retained)
Rectangular rapid flash beacons (RRFB) provide a system of alternating rapid flashing high intensity light emitting diodes (LED) placed directly beneath a pedestrian warning sign as a supplement to the sign. The beacons are place at crosswalks. The beacons can be either activated by pushbutton or passive requiring a sensor. Once activated, the beacons are triggered to flash in alternating stutter pattern to call attention to drivers that pedestrians are intending to cross the street at the crosswalk. Studies have shown that RRFBs increase driver yielding from 18 percent to 81 percent. The RRFBs should be installed at the crosswalks for Sunset Avenue. RRFBs are currently allowed as a traffic control device under interim approval by the MUTCD, as such the interim approval conditions should be followed if RRFBs are implemented.

Green Bike Lanes Adjacent to Parking (Retained)
It is recommended to add a green surface treatment to the bike lanes through the central business district (CBD), which are adjacent to parking (see below). The green color pavement will increase the awareness of the possibility of bicyclists through the CBD. The main intent is to remind drivers that are parking or departing from parking stalls that there may be bicyclists crossing their path. Green bike lanes are currently allowed as a traffic control device under interim approval by the MUTCD, as such the interim approval conditions should be followed if green bike lanes are implemented.